Friday, March 20, 2009


It's Friday! Enough said :) I love Fridays!!!!

Things I'm happy about besides it being Friday:

1. The sun is out, the windows are open, and I can hear birds chirping, dogs barking, and a lawn mower running.

2. My niece is coming over tomorrow morning and spending the day with me.

3. My husband will be off work in time to go to a family dinner tomorrow night.

4. I packed myself a really good lunch for later today.

5. And last but not least, we are getting some new furniture (used but new to us). We are in desperate need of getting new things to sit on. Everything we have is broken.

Monday, March 16, 2009


1) I KNEW I WANTED TO MARRY MY HUSBAND WHEN ... I found out I was pregnant. The desire to get married for both of us came as naturally as breathing. As clique as it may sound - it just felt right. Next month is our 16th wedding anniversary.

2) THE BEST PART OF BEING MARRIED IS ... Being with your best friend every day and every night, when you are at your best or at your worse, through bumps in the road and through smooth sailing times. The best part is knowing you will never be alone.

3) THE WORST PART OF BEING MARRIED IS ... Sharing covers, getting your favorite pillow stolen, and trying to agree what the heat or AC should be on.

4) THE ONE THING MY HUSBAND AND I WILL NEVER AGREE ON ABOUT THE APARTMENT IS ... the temperature. He's always cold and I'm always hot!

5) MY FAVORITE DATE NIGHT WITH MY HUSBAND IS ... day or night - doesn't matter to me but it would be eating a good meal out and doing something out of the norm like going to a carnival, a park we've never been to, or going somewhere that is old but new to us.

6) I KNOW I'M IN TROUBLE ON A HOUSE PROJECT WHEN ... it's lasted for 5 times as long as it should or when it has 100 pieces and I quit on it

7) OUR FAVORITE FAMILY RITUAL IS ... Our own family Thanksgiving day. It's the same each year and every year and it's awesome!

8) MY FAVORITE PART OF THE DAY IS ... after school when the kids are the most talkatvie, and right before I go to sleep when my husband climbs in to bed beside me

9) OUR FAVORITE WEEKEND ACTIVITY IS ... Eating a meal out or watching our shows on tape from throughout the week, and cooking out is always favorite too, weather permitting

10) MY PARENTING SECRET WEAPON IS ... Teaching and practicing Compormise because it leaves everyone feeling as though they had a say in something, that it was fair, equal, and like everyone had a little control over the outcome.

Monday, March 9, 2009


My husband and I united a few sparks together yesterday. Maybe it was the gusty winds, the time change, or that is was Sunday and his day off but something a little magical happened and a little united spark flared up in both of us yesterday.

This morning on the radio guests were talking about how love with the same person never works out twice. They said once things go sour and you split up that you should never get back together later.

I completely disagree.

I believe that with love all things are possible. Having love gives you the ability to endure and when you endure you persevere. And when that happens love lives on and hope and happiness make all the ends meet to complete your circle of destiny.

And once you have completed the circle it becomes infinite.

I have completed my circle with David and that is why the infinity symbol is tattooed on my left foot with his name and lots of hearts floating around it!

I say it again, With Love All Things Are Possible.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Summer Project

I have decided on a small summer project for myself to do. I love taking pictures and have taken several that I'm really proud of. This summer I would like to get them all in some sort of portfolio or album. I also have a list of different pictures I still want to take. I am pretty excited about this. Eventually my pictures will be handed down to my sons. I can't wait to start this project!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Sigh of Relief

Thank goodness - I just have astigmatism! That's why I haven't been able to see lately. I got some new contacts and my vision is better now. Not great because of the fluctuating sugar levels - but better.

We watched The Bachelor last night. I was very disappointed with how things turned out. I'm even more disappointed that THAT was the bulk of our entertainment for the evening! We have got to get some hobbies or something.

David has to close at work tonight which means it will just be me and the boys for dinner. And actually, come to think of it Nick wont be home either. I guess it will just be me and Robert! Maybe we'll have to splurge on something decadent!

My work days have been a little slow lately. I look at the clock way too much and count down the time obsessively. I will try not to complain though because it is a job after all and it comes with a paycheck every two weeks. That more than some unfortunate people can say.

Monday, March 2, 2009

The Big E

I have an eye appointment today. I'm worried my eyes will be bad. I already wear glasses/contacts but since my sugars have been uncontrolled for so long I'm concerned I might be getting the regular eye problems a lot of diabetics get. We'll see ...(get it? what a great play on words!)

I got on my husband's case yesterday about smoking. I know he's cut back but I just want him to quit, period. I went cold turkey and it's been like 100 days or something since I've smoked ~ although about once a week I have a dream that I'm smoking! Very odd but true.

I can't believe next weekend is Daylights Savings.

3 more months of school until the summer. I still don't have a second job lined up. I've gotten the Sunday paper a few times but I can never find anything.

Tonight we are watching The Bachelor and Saving Grace! I can not wait. Sometimes this is what gets me moving at 4:30am on Mondays!

As for dinner, I cooked 3 REALLY good meals this weekend so now I'm ready for a night off which might mean fast food. I'm really not sure yet!
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