Saturday, February 6, 2010


I found out due to buget cuts and the trickle down effect from the union seniority list - I will no longer have a job after June 4th (at the end of the school year). I am so so SOOOO upset and sad.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Billy Ray Cirus

This morning on the way to work at 5:15am an old song came on the radio. It was My Acky Breaky Heart by Billy Ray Cirus. As dorky as that song is, I have always loved to sing along to it.

So this morning I cranked up the volume and sung my little heart out. I even put a little country twang in my voice.

I was grinning the entire time, almost laughing really.

What an awesome way to start the day!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Cement Anyone?

My head is killing me. I feel like it's full of sluggy cement. I wish I was at home snuggled up in bed with David and the animals. With some lose baggy pajamas, the fan on, and my lovely pillow.

It's going to be a long day I can tell.

Valentines Day is coming up!! Yippee. I love celebrating how much I love my husband

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Welcome to Face Book

I have officially joined the millions of other people who are Face Book users! This includes one of my sisters, one of my sons, almost all of my extended family on my father's side, and my niece and nephew. Not to mention a bunch of people I went to high school with! How crazy is that??!! Sunday night I talked to a cousin of mine that I literally have not seen or talked to in at least 10 years!! It was awesome. So much better than email :)

Of course when I tried to log in last night I forgot my password so I need to get it reset today so I can get back on! And apparently there is a game called Farm Ville that I want to learn how to play. I think Nick is going to show me tonight.

Speaking of tonight, Lost premiers tonight!!!! 3 hours!!!! We are going to tape it since David has to close. We'll probably watch it Saturday night :)

And speaking of Saturday, I am working ALL DAY at our IHSA Wrestling Regionals. Fun, Fun but $75.00 is hard to walk away from!
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