Thursday, December 31, 2009
Here are my answers
2. What activities do you find fun, satisfying or energizing? Yoga, reading, cooking, cleaning, walking, watching tv, writing, gardening and playing games
3. What makes you feel bad? Losing my temper with David and the kids, over spending, over eating, clutter, not living to the fullest potential that I know I'm capable of and when I lose track of my priorities
4. What are sources of anger, irritation, boredom, frustration or anxiety in your life? Sources of anger and irritation - when I don't get enough help around the house and I don't speak up and ask for it. Anxiety - when I procrastinate with important things. Boredom - when I'm alone and don't know how to spend my time
5. Is there any way in which you don't feel right about your life? (I can't really say that here but David knows what I'm taking about. It's a bad habit of mine!!)
6. Do you wish you could change your job, city, family situation or other circumstances? I am happy with my job but I need to make more money for my family life as in finding bigger living arrangements and saving for the boys college. I like the town we live in and can't think of anywhere else I'd like to live for now. And as for family situations - I don't think I have any that I need to fix or seriously work on. I'd like to spend more time with my sisters and parents. And ideally I'd like to spend more time with my extended family like aunts, uncles, grandparents, etc. I guess if I had a situation or circumstance to work on it would be my communication skills (and not just with David and the kids) but how I relate and communicate to my sisters and parents.
7. Are you living up to your expectations for yourself? I would say it's about 50/50. I am thrilled at where David and I are in our relationship and how much we both have grown over the almost 17 years we have been married. I think I'm a pretty good mom to the boys. I think where I need to do more is in my personal life like what do I give back to society. I need to explore my spiritual beliefs. I feel like I'm finally living by the right code in my marriage but what about living by the right code for life in general? I expect myself and my life to live by certain rules but I've never defined those rules to myself. I don't feel like I have a master plan, only like I have a general one. I expect myself to strive towards family goals, personal goals, spiritual goals, educational goals, and moral goals but I've never defined what I think all those goals are. I feel like I have finally learned to steer and drive my own life but I don't have a road map of where I really want to go. I know where I want to end up but I'd like to define in my own head the steps I should take to get there.
8. Does your life reflect your values? I think for the most part it does. I think I need to define what I consider my values and then go from there in order to answer this question more thoroughly. I value family but do all my actions always reflect that? I don't know. I value my marriage but do I do everything I need to do to show that every day? Probably not all the time. I value my kid's individuality but do I always acknowledge that and nurture it? I'm sure I don't do that enough. So again, I think my life reflects my values but I could certainly do more to feel solid about that!
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Resolution Questions to ask yourself
1. What makes you feel good?
2. What activities do find fun, satisfying or energizing?
3. What makes you feel bad?
4. What are sources of anger, irritation, boredom, frustration or anxiety in your life?
5. Is there any way in which you don't feel right about your life?
6. Do you wish you could change your job, city, family situation or other circumstances?
7. Are you living up to your expectations for yourself?
8. Does your life reflect your values?
Really though evoking questions aren't they?
I am going to begin writing my new years resolutions this week. I am very exciting about they journey I'm going to take this year :)
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Post Christmas
We spent Wednesday running around town in the pouring rain getting last minute gifts for my mom, my dad, and his girlfriend. When we were finally done we had a nice breakfast at IHOP. We talked and caught up and it was wonderful just being together! Later that night we watched A Christmas Carol and The Nativity.
Thursday I made everyone omelets for a late breakfast, we wrapped presents and then got ready to head to my sister's house for Christmas Eve dinner. The food was great! We decided to have a real meal instead of just appetizers and snacks. I brought twice baked potatoes and they were very yummy despite that I was rushed and in a hurry when I made them :P The evening was very nice except for the fact that one sister (and her husband and daughter) were missing due to the swine flu! :( What a bummer it was not having them there! The kids and the dads played Wii bowling and boxing. It was so touching watching them all have fun doing that! The men worked up a sweat :) After we got home we exchanged a few presents and then went to bed.
Christmas day we spent at home, just the four of us. The kids were very happy with all their presents, which was our main goal. Our boys are the best ever and we wanted to show our appreciation to them. We snacked on a few things and for dinner I roasted a chicken and we watched a movie. The whole day was everything I hopped it would be. It was warm and fuzzy and perfect and fantastic and I wouldn't change a thing about any of it!
Saturday David had to head back to work and the kids and I hit the mall in the late afternoon to see what kind of after Christmas deals we could find and actually, we didn't find much. Robert spent some Christmas money he got on a new coat but that was about it! It's crazy but even when some things are 50% off it's still not always worth it.
Today we were supposed to have a Christmas brunch with my dad in St. Louis but I was a no show because a mild snow storm moved in and at 9am the roads had still not been cleared. My mini van is our only real vehicle and I just could not risk something happening to it or to us! But of course, by 1pm all the roads were fine. Grrrr.
We don't have much planned for this week while the kids and I are all off work and school. Oh well, except now we do damage control for our checkbook for the next few weeks :P Ha, Ha. It was all worth it though.
We are also trying to stay healthy but it seems like we're always feeling like were on the verge of getting sick. We haven't gotten sick but we feel like we could very easily! It's so frustrating. If we're going to get sick I'd rather just do it now and get it over with then to feel border line sick for a week!
Right now it is after midnight now so I have to sleep. I'll start rambling soon if I don't!
I can't believe New Years Eve is this week ...
Monday, December 21, 2009
Winning Ticket Number
The kids and I did more Christmas shopping this weekend and I think for the most part I'm done. There are some little things here and there that I need to pick up but I'm happy to say I see the finish line ahead.
I have two days of work this week then we are on Christmas break and wont return until Jan. 4th.
Dawn and I went to a holiday craft show on Saturday and then went out for lunch. It was a lot of fun! I also ran into another friend that I had not seen in a long time. It was good to see her and I'm going to pick up a Christmas card later today to mail her.
I have to 'put my face on' real quickly before anyone gets here (at work).
I'll write more later!
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Back from Shopping
I know in my head that Christmas isn't about presents and gifts but geez, sometimes I feel that way. I just want to get everyone a lil something (because, seriously - I really do like to give) but everything adds up soooo quickly :( And I know it's wrong but now I'm going to see what is left in the checking account and now write out our bill payments.
That is so backwards, I know. My stomach hurts now.
Tonight David is going to a work Christmas party but I've opted out of going with him. I think I'll wrap some presents tonight, maybe head to the laundry mat, and just relax some, unwind, and try to refocus!
I'm also hoping to play more of an email hangman game my BFF and I are playing from yesterday afternoon :)
Sunday, December 13, 2009
It feels like cheating
It's complicated.
Part of me is super excited and looking forward to it but the other part of me feels like I'm cheating on my mom or something. It's hard to explain how I feel because it doesn't even make sense to me.
The majority of me feel like I shouldn't have anything to feel bad about.
But then there's the part of me that thinks "How would I feel if my mom was dating some guy and I found out that his daughter and her were going shopping and out for lunch together"?
I'm inclined to say I might have feelings about this.
So how could I expect my mom to be ok with me going out with my dad's girlfriend?
It all sounds dumb, I know - especially when I see it written down!
I don't like feeling like I'm doing something wrong. It bothers me a lot and it brings back bad memories.
1-21 Ready, Set, Go!
Christmas Meme
1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? Wrapping paper because I love the different designs
2. Tree–Real or Artificial? Artificial but if I had a bigger place we'd get a real one every year
3. When do you put the Christmas tree up? Whenever I can't take Robert's pestering about it any more!
4. When do you take the tree down? Within a few days after Christmas
5. Like egg nog? Never tried it but David and my sister Angela love it
6. Do you have a nativity scene? My mom did and I love it but I do not have one
7 . Hardest person to buy for? David!! Always DAVID!!
8. Tinsel or Garland on the tree? Garland, the silver/white ones
9. Worst Christmas gift - clothes that don't fit
10. Mail or email a Christmas Card? mail
11. Favorite Christmas movie? National Lampoons Christmas Vacation, we love it!!
12. When do you start shopping for Christmas? December
13. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? Once years ago but I do not make a habit of it
14. Favorite food to eat on Christmas? butterscotch haystacks
15. Colored or clear lights? clear
16. Favorite Christmas Song? What Child is This
17. Travel during Christmas or stay home? Stay home, there's no better place than at home with my fav three!!
18. Can you name Santa’s reindeer’s? Of course.
19. Star or Angel on tree top? Star
20. Open presents on Christmas Eve or morning? Christmas morning. Once when I was younger we opened them all on Christmas Eve and on Christmas morning - it just didn't feel right
2 1 . Most annoying thing about this time of year? Crowds and how commercial the time can feel
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
No present
For once I'd like to get him something that when he opens it he is just shocked and excited and thinks it's awesome! But I'm clueless as to what this might be.
I guess I could always get him a new puppy like he got me once!!! :) Ha, Ha!! Wink wink!! My sister told me about a puppy she heard about that needed a home!
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Cookie Day with the family
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Heading back to work
I have discovered that when I'm not doing my daily routine and rituals, I have a hard time remembering to take my insulin like I'm supposed to. I need to work on this because I tell my sugars are a little out of whack right now. That's one good thing about going back to work tomorrow. Focusing on the positive :) It does wonders for the spirit.
I hope all our students had a good Thanksgiving. I know being a teenager is hard enough but you throw some less desirable parents in mix along with low incomes, joblessness, missing fathers, etc etc and you don't know what can happen. There are some kids that I wish could just feel half the happiness and peace I feel. Anyway, I'm looking forward to seeing all their faces tomorrow.
Tomorrow I plan to do a little grocery shopping after work. I have a stack of coupons that expire on the 30th. I used some today and saved $11.60. I love saving money like this. It's just great!!
In other news I'm really into the book I'm reading and can't wait to finish it. It's called Barefoot.
I am also determined to not spend money on eating out breakfast or lunch this week. I'm going to bring food from home everyday! Wish me luck!
Ok, I'm headed to bed in a bit.
Dang it, One of the cats just STUNK UP the bathroom liter box so I'm running it outside now before I throw up! GRRRR
Smelly Cat Smelly Cat What Are They Feeding You?
Smelly Cat Smelly Cat It's Not Your Fault ...
(We feed the cat Purina One - same as the other 2 cats and they don't have stinky poo like this one does!) What the heck?
Friday, November 27, 2009
Post Thanksgiving
Food - GOOD
Company - GOOD
Entertainment - GOOD
Nap - GOOD
Movie(My Sister's Keeper) - GOOD
Phone conversations for well wishes - GOOD
It was a wonderful day and we all enjoyed it. And we'll be enjoying left-overs tonight!
Wednesday evening we met my family in Edwardsville at a Mexican restaurant for dinner. The niece and nephew were home from college and we all had an excellent visit. Everyone was there except one sister and her family. It's sad that her and my father are still not speaking. It's been well over a year now, probably closer to two years. I somewhat understood the fight when it happened but now so much time has past that I'm surprised the issues haven't been resolved still. Life is too short for this. As Dr. Phil would say - the situation needs a hero and someone needs to step up. Unfortunately, the hero can only be one of them. Regardless though, it was an awesome time and everyone was laughing and talking and joking and just being together. It almost felt like a good commercial! I loved it and hope more of these moments happen in the future.
Well, I did not get out in the shopping crowds today. It seems like most of the big sales were either flat screen tvs or clothes - none of which are on my lists!
I got a Ford recall notice in the mail today. Something about a speed control deactivation switch being defective. I should be able to take it to a Ford dealership and have it fixed for free. Can you imagine? Work being done on my minivan for FREE? Nothing about fixing a vehicle is ever free! :)Woowho!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Gobble Gobble
I hope a little spirit finds its way into every heart and soul. This is my wish.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Anyway, problem solved now!!
I bought most of our Thanksgiving groceries this weekend. I have a few more things I need but not much. We are all looking forward to the menu.
fried Chicken
greenbean casserole
sweet potatoes
mashed potatoes
summer corn
dinner rolls
cottage cheese
homemade stuffing
deviled eggs
homemade pecan pie
cheese cake
I invited my mom over but I'm not sure of her plans yet. Our apartment is tiny and we don't have a table to eat at, we eat on snack trays but I wanted her to know she had a place to go to for a fabo meal :)
Yesterday David got off work early and we watched the new Star Trek movie. It was surprisingly good and we also watched The Ugly Truth which I liked more than I had anticipated I would.
Well, I'm at work and another teacher just called off sick so I'd better get back on the phone to find a sub to cover.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Ding ding ding, I WON!!
Thanksgiving is a week away and I've yet to start preparing. I'm trying to cut back on the amount of food I make and money I will spend on the food. Thanksgiving has always been a favorite in our house, more so than Christmas! I am looking forward to the day and can't wait to spend it with the family. It might sound corny but every year we go around the table (or snack trays) and say something we are thankful for. No one ever has a problem coming up with an answer because there is so much to choose from. It really is amazing and we are truly lucky or blessed or whatever you want to call it!
Monday, November 16, 2009
I want to be on the radio
Wish me luck!!
In other news I think there's something wrong with my stomach. I think I have IBS, I'm not sure :(
Aging is the PITS!!
Tonight I'm going to plan our Thanksgiving meal, Yummy!!
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
My sweet babies and a lil' some'in extra

I admit, the sidewalk graffiti right outside our apartment building was a little sophomoric of me but hey, does love have an age limit?
The city guarded this wet cement for hours but I finally snuck out when they weren't looking, I was pretending to put trash in the dumpster and I quickly scribbled this :)
I love my hubby!
M + D = L
Stop, Drop, and Listen
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Christmas Wish List
1. pie plate with lid
2. oven mits/pot holders
3. plastic bag storage (craft store)
4. craft store gift card – in Bethalto
5. face lotion and face scrub
6. Book – Have a Little Faith, A true Story by Mitch Albom
7. Book – U is for Undertow by Sue Grafton
8. Book – Half Broken Horses by Jeanette Walls
9. colorful post-it notes, paper clips, etc etc for work
10. Perfume – Jessica Simpson or anything else that smells really good
11. Cookie sheets
12. big skillet
13. neat big coffee cup
14. big candles
15. MP3 player thing with speakers
16. wall picture frames, different sizes, multiple
17. photo albums
18. car air freshener
19. new front floor mats for the van
20. some sort of spice rack
Frankie got some new clothes last week - a sweater and a coat. I think dog clothes are a great thing :) They are not only adorable but functional and they help curve my baby cravings I still get every now and then.
I did not plant any mums this year and although I'm a little sad about it I just didn't have the time or energy. If you can picture fanning the pages of a book with your thumb - that's how I feel like my days are. One right after another in the blink of an eye. Thank god it's a good busy. A good busy means we're all alive and moving and breathing and growing.
Tonight mom is coming over for a chili dinner at Rob and Nick's school. It is a fundraiser for the foreign language clubs. I'm looking forward to it but not because I love chili (because I just think it's ok) but because all of us will be sitting down at the same table, at the same time, for a hot meal. It's rare lately that David, myself, Robert and Nick are all home and sitting still at the exact same moment. Family time. I'll take it however I can get it!
Friday, September 25, 2009
Random Thoughts
I hate remembering my dreams every morning. Bad or good, it's mentally exhausting sometimes.
When I see a car that has a trunk spoiler it makes me think that if I were a giant, I would reach down and hook the spoiler on all the cars like that with my pointer finger and then smash them to the ground!
Why does McDonald's only give you two butters with an order of pancakes when there are 3 cakes per order?
Age spots, bites and cuts that wont heal, thinning hair, indigestion, caffeine overloads, bad eyesight ... what the heck? I feel like I'm slowly morphing into my mom and I'm only 35.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Fall and Spiders
Just another sign that fall has arrived (all the bugs are trying to get inside). I absolutely HATE bugs!!!!
I need to hug my puppy.
Well - I was right about the hectic schedule. I feel like I barely have time to catch my breath. Everyday there is somewhere to go, somewhere to work, someone who needs a ride, someone who needs something, etc etc etc.I'm not complaining though. I'm just saying.
I truly know that some day I will miss times like this; times when every minute of my day is full of something. I know some day the day will be too quiet and I wont be able to find enough things to fill my day.
In other news, Robert has started working at Burger King. His first day was Monday and he liked it a lot! Nick has been out with friends, riding around town, going to church, band practice, and band competitions/parades like crazy lately. Is it possible to miss someone who lives under the same roof as you do? Yep, I think so.
Both boys are doing great in school. And I am so so so proud of their hard work and excellent grades!
Yesterday my school announced that we officially have the H1N1 (swine flu) in our district. It seems to be everywhere now. I am amazed at how this stared off with just a few cases in the US and now it's everywhere! Most doctors aren't even testing for it anymore. That's how common it's become.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Back to School
I just know Thanksgiving and Christmas will be here before we know it. Yep, I said that out loud in my head. It's for sure now.
Speaking of school, there are several teachers and teacher's spouses that have recently had babies or that are expecting. At first it bothered me some because I love babies, I love being pregnant, and I always wanted to have more children than just 2. But then I started thinking how I would rather not deal with spit up, ear infections, diaper rash, milky bottles, preschool, babysitters, car seats, sticky hands, and scary fevers. Been there, done that. And man, how we LOVED every second of it. I would do it all over in a heartbeat if the opportunity arrived but I'm learning to be thankful for what I have, to want what I have, and to be fulfilled with what I have. I think one of the several keys to happiness is not wanting more all the time. More money, more space, more time, more kids, more clothes, more hair, more food, more peace, more acceptance, more more more.
I don't mean to sound as if I have to force myself to be happy with what I have - far from it! What I have - I'll never take that for granted again. What I mean to convey is that wanting more is human. Who doesn't want more money, a bigger house, and more time. I just think that when wanting more all the time consumes your inner thoughts - it leaves unhappiness inside you that can be nearly impossible to get rid of.
When I think back to my childhood and why I always felt unhappy, I think part of it is because I always wanted more (when in reality I had A LOT to begin with). I never learned that lesson - to be thankful for what I do have. I'm not sure how I missed that ever so important lesson but thank goodness I know it now.
When I think of all the evil out there in the world, all the miserable people, all the less fortunate ones and I think of what I have in my life - as VISA says PRICELESS!
I just hope that each of the 3 people inside my 4 walls know exactly how valuable they are to me. I love my life because all it really consists of is working each day to make those 3 people feel every ounce of my love. What better life is there than that?
Heaven on Earth.
I love my family so much, exactly as we all are. I swear, I could just eat them up sometimes! My heart beats for them. Sometimes I feel so in love with each of them that it almost makes my stomach hurt! That's how sweet our life is.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Old Folks
It made me wonder what David and I will be like when we're their age....
What a cloudy muggy day. Yuck.
This morning I made a breakfast queiche for the first time ever! Everyone liked it but Nick :) One more item to cross off my list. Hurray!
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Vote for Us Please!!
Pretty please vote for us!
Blah Blah & Yada Yada
I'm tired but not tired, I want to read but nothing that I have to read seems interesting enough, I'm thirsty, I want to go to the gym but I don't want to get sweaty! I want to watch tv but I have the attention span of a house fly.
See? I told you. I feel blah. And when I feel blah none of my thoughts make sense! I have no rhyme or reason when I'm like this :P
We ordered Pizza Hut for dinner and watched Big Brother. The kids and I went to the park for the 'concert in the park night' but I had the wrong date and it's not until next Sunday.
In other news I bought a Swiffer mop and love it! My headlight is working in my mini-van thanks to my sweet hubby changing the light bulb, I entered Frankie in the Ladies Home Journal Cutest Pet contest, and I'm hoping to pick up an extra week of work at school the week after next. Tomorrow my mom is coming over to take the boys school supply shopping, Tuesday the kids are going to my dad's to do some work and Tuesday evening I'm going to a Red Cross blood drive to donate blood. It's a small thing but makes me feel good.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Where did the cold go?
Yesterday was school registration and I still can't believe that both boys will be in high school this year. And sadly I still can not hide my disappointment that we are still living in an apartment! Each day we outgrow this place more and more. We will celebrate 5 years here this November. BUT - I am thankful we have a roof to live under, we all have good health, good spirits, and good hearts :) House or no house - we are a happy family and that is priceless!
I have no idea what is up with my tomato plant. There are about 3 grape-sized tomatoes but they are not growing anymore and are lime green. Last year I probably had about 50 tomatoes and this year - nothing. What did I do wrong??
As for my summer list of things to do I have been able to cross off only a few things, like taking my niece for a day, freezing corn, reading a book, and taking classes at the gym. But I'm still hopeful I'll be able to get a few more of them done soon like going to a concert in the park and watching a classic movie. I need to get out the list and revisit some of the items!
Frank and I have gotten even closer this summer if that's possible. He is literally at my side or on me every possible second. I'm worried about him when I go back to work/school. I've slowly made him into a car-rider. He absolutely LOVES going on car rides now and he's gotten really good at behaving while I'm driving. Saturday morning we went to the cemetery and feed the ducks at the lake there. It was his first time seeing ducks :) He was as still as a statue!
Tonight Nick will be gone from 3-9pm for band camp and David has to close at work so it will just be me and Robert for the evening. Hopefully he doesn't make plans and ditch me! We have a zillion shows on tv tonight that we like to watch and/or tape. Hell's Kitchen, Medium, Saving Grace, Hawthorne, and Big Brother.
My mom is coming over on Friday to take my kids out to lunch and then school supply shopping! I am very grateful for the help in getting their supplies. I have a feeling that after shopping both kids will be a little fickle because it will remind them that the first day of school is just a few weeks away. Our summer will be over. For me, it's like the magic is slowly disappearing right before my eyes. Soon the kids will be deeply emerged in school, homework, drama club, band, and a bunch of other activities. And I will once again feel them slipping through my hands.
Here is a picture of my Frankie. He is my surrogate baby boy.

Sunday, July 12, 2009
Lazy Sunday
The good news of the week is that one of the cats that was deathly ill is now feeling better and is almost back to his normal self. The bad news of the week is that Robert has not been feeling well and David's car (I think) is dead.
Right now we are watching MTV Top 10 Coolest Teen Cribs. How unbelievable ... and how unseemly unfair.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Robert takes his driving test tomorrow with his classroom instructor and I am so nervous for him.
Dinner tonight is a beef roast, carrots, cheesey potatoes, and zucchini bread for dessert. Hopefully it will all taste great.
I have no plans this week. It feels so weird to me to not have a plan going into a new week. I usually have some sort of plan for something ...
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Heat Wave
I took a second exercise class at the gym today. It was ok and I surprised myself by sticking it out and not quitting! This class was more aerobic related and I am just not that coordinated to keep up. I felt like a big sloppy goon in there so I don't think I'll be taking that class again! All-in-all though, I'm glad I took it because how else will I know if I like that particular class or not :)
Trying to think of ideas for dinner tonight. I hate to turn my oven on so I'm thinking I need something I can cook on the stove. Ideas? Anyone? ....
Something is up with our bed sheets. The fitted sheet no longer stays fitted. I don't understand. The elastic is fine but yet it comes off daily and I spend most nights half on the mattress and half on the sheets. Very puzzling.
I can't believe it's almost July. Where oh where has this month gone??
Friday, June 26, 2009
Where to Begin?

Well it's 4am and I'm wide awake. Apparently I have no discipline to stay on any kind of normal schedule during summer break! So far this break I have yet to be productive really. This saddens me, although it has been relaxing.
Quick recap:
1. Robert got his permit and is driving
2. I hit a deer earlier in the month and now I have no AC in my mini-van and the hood is dented
3. We all went to the Melvin Price Lock and Dam and took a tour. It was pretty awesome and a fun family memory (see pic)
4. Am slowly getting on top of a few of our bills
5. Spent a day with Joey my niece and had a really fun time
6. Took my first yoga class at the gym
7. Am getting back on my medicines
8. Made fish two times for the family (I had corn dogs instead)
9. Am teaching Frankie to be a car rider and will probably regret it later(see pic)
10. Still working on David to get him to quit smoking
Friday, June 12, 2009
Monthly Celebrations
For me:
January - Of course, New Years Day. A new beginning, a day of looking back, looking forward ... it's a renewal of sorts.
February - 2 of my sister's birthday and my a nephew's birthday too! Plus there is Valentines Day!! It's more than just a celebration for young couples, it's a day for wives and husbands to remember the spark that initially brought them together!
March - my mom's birthday, the lady who brought me life!
April - my wedding anniversary and my dad's birthday
May - David and Nick's birthdays and Memorial Day (a day that brings more meaning to me each year I age and grow and reflect on our country and how we got here)
June - my birthday, my brother in laws birthdays, and SUMMER break
July - 4th of July!! A day that my family and I are learning to make our own. And Laura's birthday too, can't forget that one :)
August - 1st day of school
September - Robert, Joey, Johnny, and Frankie's birthdays
October - Fall. Enough said. But it's also another one of my sisters birthday
November - THANKSGIVING, the best holiday of them all!
December - A whole month full of anticipation for just one little day. The day is like a present all on it's own because you just don't know what it might be ...
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Too Old For Cosmo
Be a Lucky Bitch - first of all I am not a bitch and secondly I don't believe in true luck. I believe in creating your own luck.
Dirty Lying Brides - if you're lying and you're dirty, you should NOT be someones bride.
Host a Killer Cocktail Party - what is a cocktail? Chips and salsa are about as fancy as I get!
Quiz - Are you a Closet Commitment Phobe? - As much as I love magazine quizzes I have no need to take this one, I've been married for 16 years now, proof I am not afraid of commitment.
10 Things Guys Wish You Knew - I'm only concerned with one guy and if he hasn't told me what he wants me to know after 16 years then it probably isn't important!! :)
I could go on with more articles in the June issue but I think I've proven my point. When my subscription renewal comes up for this magazine I will not be sending a check or money order for 12 more magazines!
I'm going to stick to my Good Housekeeping, Family Circle, and Redbook!
I am 35 and proud of it.
Friday, May 29, 2009
Push Push Push
Today is a healthy, vibrant, funny, kind-hearted, energetic, and unique 14 year old teenager!
Kids grow up so fast. Faster it seems than when I was 14.
Nick and his brother will be spending the day together. Robert is making him bacon for breakfast this morning, they rented some movies, are having lunch at our favorite Mexican restaurant, and later for a snack I bought them bugles and bottled root-beer!
I can't believe I now have a 14 year old and a 15 year old who both will be in high school in a matter of months!
Time flies when you're having fun :)
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Birthdays Everywhere
In 3 days Nick will turn 14. My baby is no longer a baby! It seems like in the blink of an eye he went from my tiny premature baby to this almost 14 year old who is computer savvy, has a girlfriend, and is getting taller by the minute. He has shaggy black hair, big brown eyes and has a face that's been dusted with freckles. He is the cutest thing I've ever seen!
My birthday is coming up in early June. And then later in June is 2 of my brother-n-in-laws birthdays and in July is a nieces b-day. Birthdays are a constant reminder that no matter what life goes on. We all keep moving forward if by nothing else then sheer force.
Time keeps-a tick'in on.
Tick Tock
Monday, May 25, 2009
Memorial Day
In other news,
I had a mini melt down the other night. I'm not handling the fact that my sons are growing up and I'm no longer the main focus of their lives. You have to understand, for YEARS I was their main playmate, their personal chef, the one they ran to for skinned knees, for hugs and kisses, for entertainment, and for love. No ones opinion meant very much except for mine and David's. We were the center of their entire lives. Now they are teenagers and they have friends, girlfriends, school clubs, they have favorite bands, their own favorite tv shows that I don't understand, they have interest outside of our 4 small walls.
I have separation anxiety - just like my little Frankie does when I leave the house. He barks, moans, groans, whimpers, and howls. I do all that too, inside my head, every day.
I know this is unhealthy. The rational side of me is thrilled that my boys are healthy, well adjusted, have friends, have neat interest, I love that they are unique individuals, I love it that they are always learning new things, beginning to think for themselves, and that they are becoming more independent each day.
The irrational side of me thinks why would they want to spend time with anyone besides me or David. Aren't we enough for them? Aren't we fun enough? What is so great about their friends or girlfriends? What can they offer them that we can't?
God, it's just hard letting them go even when it's just a tiny bit at a time. I know it's the natural process of growing up but I didn't expect it to be so hard or it leave me feeling so empty at times.
I know this way of thinking is selffish, immature, and it will pass. I know I'm self indulging.
You will never meet two parents more proud of their kids then me and David are.
I guess I should rephrase what I said earlier ... I should have said that for YEARS they were my only playmates, my world revolved around 2 little boys with bright eyes, contagious smiles, and voices that were memorizing. For YEARS I ran to them for love, hugs, kisses, entertainment and they filled my heart up.
I was happy spending every minute of every day with them. I had no need to make my life outside of our 4 little walls.
I've heard of the phrase "teenage angst" but I didn't know there was parent angst too.
I thank my lucky stars that David and I have each other to stand by one another while our boys get older.
I think this parent angst we're feeling means we're doing a good job if that makes sense.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
What's Up
Memorial Day
David's birthday on May 26, I'm taking off work and we're spending the day together
Nick's birthday on May 29th and his pizza party on May 30th
First paycheck from my second job will be next week
TGIF will be tomorrow. Casual Friday is my favorite day of the week
Reading library books
Trying at least one new recepie this weekend
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Things that make me go Uhm ....
2. When I see the sky is a bright baby blue
3. When I hear jazz music
4. When I drink paradise Iced Tea
5. The smell of workbook paper (from any kind of workbook). If you open up a
workbook, stick your nose in the middle and smell ... It's one of the many
smells of childhood!
6. The smell of bleached whites
7. The feel of cotton bed sheets
8. The sound of crickets, bull frogs, and a dog barking in the distance
9. The sound the ocean makes late a night in the dark
10. When I see a mom hold her child
Friday, May 8, 2009
Like Sand in an Hour Glass
I have not done any planting yet. Money is just too tight right now, especially to spend it on sprucing up an apartment building that we just rent from and don't own.
I started a new book by my favorite author. I can hardly put it down :)
This weekend it is supposed to rain some. Hopefully this means we'll have all our windows open and we can find a good movie to watch. And every now and then I manage to talk the boys into napping with me. I love having them close to me! I don't care that by next year both will be in high school.
David asked me to go on an evening walk with him sometime soon. I thought that was so sweet and romantic. I almost got goosebumps when he talked about it. I just love that man so much, more than I ever thought it was humanly possible to love another person!
Friday, April 24, 2009
What Happened?
So, what have I been up to lately:
1) I made my own playlist on YouTube
2) Celebrated my 16 year wedding anniversary
3) Beat my husband and one of my sons at bowling
4) Became a member of
5) Finished a book
6) Saw my niece and gave her lots of kisses
7) Told my dad's girlfriend of 20+ years that I thought of her more as a step mom than my 'dad's girlfriend'
8) Painted a bird house and hung it outside
9) Made a really good coconut cream pie
10) (tonight) will see my youngest son in his first Alton Youth Symphony concert - I can't wait!
Monday, April 6, 2009
Spring Break is Here!
This weekend I feel like David and I did a little reconnecting. We both let our self conscience guards down and it was wonderful. It's amazing how great it can feel to put aside personal insecurities and let things just be.
In other news: our cat might be pregnant. She's either pregnant or just getting very fat. I guess we'll know soon enough. I hope she isn't pregnant because I wont want to give away any of her babies!! Not a single one :)
Friday, March 20, 2009
Things I'm happy about besides it being Friday:
1. The sun is out, the windows are open, and I can hear birds chirping, dogs barking, and a lawn mower running.
2. My niece is coming over tomorrow morning and spending the day with me.
3. My husband will be off work in time to go to a family dinner tomorrow night.
4. I packed myself a really good lunch for later today.
5. And last but not least, we are getting some new furniture (used but new to us). We are in desperate need of getting new things to sit on. Everything we have is broken.
Monday, March 16, 2009
2) THE BEST PART OF BEING MARRIED IS ... Being with your best friend every day and every night, when you are at your best or at your worse, through bumps in the road and through smooth sailing times. The best part is knowing you will never be alone.
3) THE WORST PART OF BEING MARRIED IS ... Sharing covers, getting your favorite pillow stolen, and trying to agree what the heat or AC should be on.
4) THE ONE THING MY HUSBAND AND I WILL NEVER AGREE ON ABOUT THE APARTMENT IS ... the temperature. He's always cold and I'm always hot!
5) MY FAVORITE DATE NIGHT WITH MY HUSBAND IS ... day or night - doesn't matter to me but it would be eating a good meal out and doing something out of the norm like going to a carnival, a park we've never been to, or going somewhere that is old but new to us.
6) I KNOW I'M IN TROUBLE ON A HOUSE PROJECT WHEN ... it's lasted for 5 times as long as it should or when it has 100 pieces and I quit on it
7) OUR FAVORITE FAMILY RITUAL IS ... Our own family Thanksgiving day. It's the same each year and every year and it's awesome!
8) MY FAVORITE PART OF THE DAY IS ... after school when the kids are the most talkatvie, and right before I go to sleep when my husband climbs in to bed beside me
9) OUR FAVORITE WEEKEND ACTIVITY IS ... Eating a meal out or watching our shows on tape from throughout the week, and cooking out is always favorite too, weather permitting
10) MY PARENTING SECRET WEAPON IS ... Teaching and practicing Compormise because it leaves everyone feeling as though they had a say in something, that it was fair, equal, and like everyone had a little control over the outcome.
Monday, March 9, 2009
This morning on the radio guests were talking about how love with the same person never works out twice. They said once things go sour and you split up that you should never get back together later.
I completely disagree.
I believe that with love all things are possible. Having love gives you the ability to endure and when you endure you persevere. And when that happens love lives on and hope and happiness make all the ends meet to complete your circle of destiny.
And once you have completed the circle it becomes infinite.
I have completed my circle with David and that is why the infinity symbol is tattooed on my left foot with his name and lots of hearts floating around it!
I say it again, With Love All Things Are Possible.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Summer Project
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Sigh of Relief
We watched The Bachelor last night. I was very disappointed with how things turned out. I'm even more disappointed that THAT was the bulk of our entertainment for the evening! We have got to get some hobbies or something.
David has to close at work tonight which means it will just be me and the boys for dinner. And actually, come to think of it Nick wont be home either. I guess it will just be me and Robert! Maybe we'll have to splurge on something decadent!
My work days have been a little slow lately. I look at the clock way too much and count down the time obsessively. I will try not to complain though because it is a job after all and it comes with a paycheck every two weeks. That more than some unfortunate people can say.
Monday, March 2, 2009
The Big E
I got on my husband's case yesterday about smoking. I know he's cut back but I just want him to quit, period. I went cold turkey and it's been like 100 days or something since I've smoked ~ although about once a week I have a dream that I'm smoking! Very odd but true.
I can't believe next weekend is Daylights Savings.
3 more months of school until the summer. I still don't have a second job lined up. I've gotten the Sunday paper a few times but I can never find anything.
Tonight we are watching The Bachelor and Saving Grace! I can not wait. Sometimes this is what gets me moving at 4:30am on Mondays!
As for dinner, I cooked 3 REALLY good meals this weekend so now I'm ready for a night off which might mean fast food. I'm really not sure yet!
Monday, February 23, 2009
And The Winner Is ...
This past weekend was good. There were many things to be thankful for such as lunch with Robert at Olga's, Nick being sick and allowing me to sit up with him at 2am rubbing his head and watching him drift off to sleep, and last but not least, my husband woke up before I left for work this morning and we hugged and kissed goodbye :)
Really, what more can I ask for? I spent the entire weekend with my family, I made food, cleaned, slept, ate out and talked to all my sisters on the phone (and my dad too).
It's the little things that count for the biggest pleasures in life. I feel sorry for people who feel the opposite.
Friday, February 20, 2009
I want a house
It bothers me knowing that if I made decent money we could afford it. It's pointless to look for a new job right now with the way the economy is.
I don't like feeling like I have no control over the situation which is exactly the truth of the matter.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Red Cross
My son's school was sponsoring a blood drive so I had him sign me up. I'm glad I did it but aside from it taking 2 hours I got really sick afterwords and thought I might pass out!
Note to self - If I do this again, eat lots of food first and more food after.
But regardless I was happy I did it :) I got a sticker to wear later that said "Be nice to me, I just gave blood"!
We had dinner with my dad and his girlfriend last night. The visit was really nice and later we ran into my cousin that I haven't seen in years! It's a nice change to spend time with family and feel better afterwords for having done so.
In other news, David got a promotion at work. We are very excited about it and it should include a raise as well. He will also be getting every Sunday off too!
His insurance also kicked in and now am able to get the insulin I desperately need.
I must say, the week is ending up well!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Mom is coming over for dinner and she is getting her taxes done with me. I'm looking forward to the visit.
Monday, February 9, 2009
What a Feast
Overall the weekend was very nice. The kids had plans with friends, I got some cleaning done, ran a few errands, watched stuff on tape from the week, ate some good meals and worked a regional wrestling match at school.
I am looking forward to a good week. I think I have something going on every evening but Friday! I am going to work hard to have a good strong week and then I'll be rewarded with a 3 day weekend.
Oh the possibilities!
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
The Day The Music Died
Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens, and J.P. "The Big Bopper" Richardson were killed when their plan crashed in Iowa a few minutes after takeoff on a flight from Mason City to Moorehead, Minnesota. And years later Don McLean's American Pie The Day the Music Died became a song that millions will came to recognize and love.
One fond memory I have as a teenager is of my dad and I watching the movie Buddy Holly and him telling me about the story and the music. A few months later I bought my dad a music tape of Buddy Holly and to this day when I listen to any of those songs, it makes me think of him and I smile.
They always say that music connects people and in this particular instance when nothing I did or said seemed to connect with my dad, Buddy Holly music never failed to!
Lyrics American Pie
Verse 1
A long long time agoI can still remember how that music used to make me smileAnd I knew if I had my chance That I could make those people danceAnd maybe they'd be happy for a whileBut February made me shiverWith every paper I'd deliverBad news on the doorstepI couldn't take one more stepI can't remember if I criedWhen I read about his widowed brideBut something touched me deep insideThe day the music died
So, bye-bye, Miss American PieDrove my chevy to the leveeBut the levee was dryAnd them good old boys were drinkin' whiskey and ryeSingin' this'll be the day that I dieThis'll be the day that I die
Verse 2
Did you write the Book of LoveAnd do you have faith in God aboveIf the Bible tells you soDo you believe in rock n' rollCan music save your mortal soulAnd can you teach me how to dance real slowWell, I know that you're in love with him'Cause I saw you dancin' in the gymYou both kicked off your shoesMan, I dig those rhythm & bluesI was a lonely, teenage broncin' buckWith a pink carnation and a pickup truckBut I knew I was out of luckThe day the music diedI started singin'
Verse 3
Now for ten years we've been on our ownAnd moss grows fat on a rollin' stoneBut that's not how it used to beWhen the Jester sang for the King and QueenIn a coat he borrowed from James DeanIn a voice that came from you and me Oh, and while the King was looking downThe Jester stole his thorny crownThe courtroom was adjournedNo verdict was returnedAnd while Lenin read a book on MarxThe quartet practiced in the parkAnd we sang dirges in the darkThe day the music died We were singin'
Verse 4
Helter Skelter in a summer swelterThe birds flew off with a fallout shelterEight miles high and falling fastIt landed foul on the grassThe players tried for a forward passWith the Jester on the sidelines in a castNow the half-time air was sweet perfumeWhile the Sergeants played a marching tuneWe all got up to danceOh but we never got the chance'Cause the players tried to take the fieldThe marching band refused to yieldDo you recall what was revealedThe day the music diedWe started singing
Verse 5
Oh, and there we were, all in one placeA generation lost in spaceWith no time left to start againSo come on, Jack, be nimble, Jack be quickJack Flash sat on a candlestick'Cause fire is the devils only friendOh, and as I watched him on the stageMy hands were clenched in fists of rageNo angel born in Hell Could break that Satan's spellAnd as flames climbed high into the nightTo light the sacrificial riteI saw Satan laughing with delightThe day the music diedHe was singing
Verse 6
I met a girl who sang the bluesAnd I asked her for some happy newsBut she just smiled and turned awayI went down to the sacred storeWhere I'd heard the music years beforeBut the man there said the music wouldn't play
And in the streets the children screamedThe lovers cried, and the poets dreamedBut not a word was spokenThe church bells all were brokenAnd the three men I admire mostThe Father, Son and the Holy GhostThey caught the last train for the coastThe day the music diedAnd they were singin'
Bye-bye, Miss American PieDrove my chevy to the levyBut the levy was dryAnd them good old boys were drinking whiskey and ryeSinging this'll be the day that I die
They were singin'Bye-bye, Miss American PieDrove my chevy to the levyBut the levy was dryAnd them good old boys were drinking whiskey and ryeSinging this'll be the day that I die
Sunday, February 1, 2009
On another note - Little Fiona needs some cat toys so I'm going to pick her some up when I run out in a bit. She is such a mommy's girl but is bored and deserves some new toys.
Friday, January 30, 2009
Back to Work
No big plans on Saturday, probably just the usual stuff. And Sunday of course is the Super Bowl. I will be making lots of yummy snacks, rooting for the Cardinals and most likely being disappointed with the commercials as I am every year.
I have a few left-over 'to do' items on my list that keep reappearing from list to list, such as wash the dogs, clip and file coupons, and clean the kitchen trash can. I really hope to get this crossed off the list this weekend. I'm tired of having to carry them over week to week!
Other than that, David and I have an episode of Fringe and Hell's Kitchen on tape to watch and I have several book to return to the library.
I can't hardly believe it's almost February! Still no idea what to do for Valentine's Day.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
More Snow Days
The hubby is off work tomorrow to so we'll get a whole day together. I'm very happy :) We are going to sleep in, have coffee and be silly lazy.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Lazy Weekend
I need to work on finding a happy medium.
The weather man is predicting 5-6 inches of snow tomorrow so we might have a snow day! Luckily though my boss might have me work anyway - which means extra pay on the paycheck!!
For fans of The Closer on TNT - the new season starts tonight!
Friday, January 23, 2009
- Fridays are always jeans day at my school
- A 60 degree day in January and my husband grilled BBQ pork steaks for dinner last night
- I accidentally collided really hard with a curb this morning with my minivan and my front tire did not pop
- It is pay day
- I only had 3 leg cramps last night instead of 15 like I sometimes have per night
- And last but not least - today it has been 70 days since I have smoked a cigarette!
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Heart Day
Think, think think! (as Poo Bear would say!)
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
My New Life Motto
Until now I have done this, a lot, and several people I know do this and all it makes is miserableness!
In other words my new motto is - Generously give time, energy and emotion to the things and people in your life that you have control over.
I believe Steven Covey calls this our Circle of Influence.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
The Alton Telegraph - my latest article
January 16, 2009 - 9:47 PM
I love this song from "The Sound of Music." Who doesn't like whiskers on kittens and warm woolen mittens?
I love reading about things other people like. I often read a certain book on the advice of others, or try a restaurant I've never been to before, watch a certain movie, buy a particular brand of an item - the list could go on. Since this is my last column of the rotation I thought I would list several of my favorite things, in no particular order:
- "The Office" on NBC, it's just plain funny
- El Mezcal in Bethalto, great service and great food each and EVERY time
- Marley & Me the book, I read it a few years ago and it still touches my heart
- Free samples from
- Cherry ice-slushies from Burger King
- Blogging,
- Different slide shows on
- Sudoku and Tetris
- Oral-B Pulsar toothbrushes, I thought they were the lazy man's way of brushing but not anymore. I don't think I'll ever go back to a regular toothbrush again, it really is that much better
- E-mailing friends daily fun facts found on the Internet
- "Highlights" children's magazine, I don't care that I'm almost 35. I love reading the stories
- Canned chocolate pudding, it's better than homemade
Now if we want to get into more of a personal nature of my favorite things I'd have to say these are my top picks that I recommend:
- Midnight walks on the beaches of Cancun hand in hand with your spouse
- Flavored hot tea
- Cuddling with pets in bed
- Big fluffy pillows
- Talking one-on-one with my children
- Eating breakfast, it's the most important meal of the day
- Scented candles and lotion
- Milk, any kind and any time
- Getting magazines in the mail
- Taking pictures in black and white
- Using coupons
- Trying new recipes
- Saying I love you to the people you love
Thanks for reading. I hope all of you think about your favorite things and remember to indulge in them, enjoy them and most of all share them!
The Cardinals are in the Superbowl! I was rooting for them when David told me they've never been to a Superbowl before.
I accidentally got sucked into watching Brett Michael's tour bus of love reality show. I didn't want to keep watching but I did. I am not proud of myself.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
I love snow days!
I wish everyone could work in a school district!
Monday, January 12, 2009
Day One
I hope David's insurance stuff gets here soon so I can get some insulin.
Robert gets his bottom braces on tomorrow and neither of us are looking forward to the moderate pain he'll be in for a few days.
Ok, I'm running to bed now before my semi-hunger turns to starving!
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Getting Started
Aside from the impending diet, I am starting a few other resolutions too. I created a budget yesterday, in a few days I'm mailing my first birthday card of the year, and the hubby and I spent some lovey time together.
The weekend was good and I got almost everything done on my to do list. The boys were busy with friends, I saved over $8 with coupons at Wal-Mart and my puppy and I got lots of cuddling time in. Unfortunately the Chargers are losing in the 4th quarter, the Blues play this evening which my BFF will be watching, and there is a new Cold Case on at 9pm! Oh yeah, and the Golden Globes are on tonight too. I may or may not watch it, we'll see!
I'm trying to think of something yummy for dinner since our diet starts in about 12 hours!
I'm looking forward to a wonderful and healthier week.
Monday, January 5, 2009
7 Things about marriage
1. You will look at the person lying next to you and wonder, Is this it? Forever?
I agree that at some point for anyone whose married for any length of time will eventually say this. But I don't think it should be taken as an insult but as a motivator to be better!
2. You'll work harder than you ever imagined!
Again, I agree! The only other thing you'll work as hard at is parenting. But marriage and parenting are the two greatest things EVER so all that hard work is worth it!
3. You will sometimes go to bed mad (and maybe even wake up madder).
I don't always believe in - don't go to bed mad. I've learned in the many years I've been married so far that sometimes 'sleeping on it' isn't always a bad idea. There is the risk of waking up madder but for me specifically, I usually wake up feeling better and more forgiving (asking and receiving)! Something about a new day helps put things in perspective.
4. Getting your way is usually not as important as finding a way to work together.
I love this one because it means you did something together. A problem arose, you talked it out, and a resolution was found by both giving and taking. When it's over I always feel closer to my husband, it makes me feel like we're a team.
5. A great marriage doesn't mean no conflict; it simply means a couple keeps trying to get it right.
This is right on because you can't have a great marriage if there's no conflict or fighting or bad times because this is how you learn how to grow and if there's no growth in your marriage then it isn't a good marriage!!
6. You'll realize that you can only change yourself
Sometimes you think that if you could just change the other person then everything would be perfect. But that is not true. Change starts with yourself and then maybe it will rub off on the other person but even if it doesn't - you can only change yourself. That's hard enough, I don't need the headache of trying to change someone else!
7. As you face your fears and insecurities, you will find out what you're really made of.
Painful but true. David and I are living proof. We found out what we are both made of, and thank goodness we did! We are much stronger and more resilient then we ever thought humanly possible.
Friday, January 2, 2009
New Year's Resolutions
1. Send birthday cards to family and friends - I'm starting with a fairly simple one. Sometimes I send cards and sometimes I don't and it bothers me when I don't! I hate not being consistent in my actions. I really don't have a lot to send; just my sisters, parents, 2 nieces, 2 nephews, and one BF.
2. Use all the free sample products I have sent away for in the last year - another easy resolution! I am addicted to free product samples. I have a large supply of things I have gotten in the mail but then haven't used any of them. It's kind of like I'm saving them up for a rainy day but then when it rains I forget to get them all out. Well - no more! I'm going to start using up all my free little samples :)
3. Clean, Clean and Clean - I love to clean but lately I feel like I'm cleaning the same things over and over again. I need to deep clean as in windows, under the beds, and in all the nooks and crannies and corners and ceilings.
4. Finish my quilt - I started a quilt when I was in high school (I think) and I've had it on my 'to do' list for months. I want to have it finished by this time next year.
5. Try new recipes - sometimes I tend to cook the same meals but I'd like to try new dishes and step outside my comfort zone a little.
6. Keep up with this blog - I've started and I don't want it to be some thing I leave unfinished. Too many times in life I've started something but never finished or maintained it.
7. Give life to the intimacy department with David (this is a big one) - but it deserves effort, attention, time, and thought.
8. Make a budget - and live by and stick to it! It's time, way past time to do this once and for all.
9. Save money - I know this kind of goes along with #8 but at times I can spend frivolously and when I do I feel guilty about it. I want NO guilt anywhere in my life anymore
10. Eat less and eat healthier - I know everyone always lists this as a resolution but I seriously mean it. Again - it's way past time for this. David and the kids and I all need to adapt this as a lifestyle change. We all need to be healthier, lose weight, learn portion control, yada yada yada.
11. Be more active - individually and as a family. We just have to. Watching tv is great but we have to get moving!
12. Be more positive - I've learned that for me, being positive doesn't come naturally. It's not my first reaction to a problem or challenge. I've gotten a lot better about it but it takes thought and effort. My kids learn by example and I want to be a good example to them.