Friday, September 25, 2009

Random Thoughts

It bugs me when I drive by a place of business at 5am and their OPEN sign is still on even though they are clearly NOT open.

I hate remembering my dreams every morning. Bad or good, it's mentally exhausting sometimes.

When I see a car that has a trunk spoiler it makes me think that if I were a giant, I would reach down and hook the spoiler on all the cars like that with my pointer finger and then smash them to the ground!

Why does McDonald's only give you two butters with an order of pancakes when there are 3 cakes per order?

Age spots, bites and cuts that wont heal, thinning hair, indigestion, caffeine overloads, bad eyesight ... what the heck? I feel like I'm slowly morphing into my mom and I'm only 35.

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