Friday, January 2, 2009

New Year's Resolutions

I wanted to post these on 1/01/09 but coming up with them took more time and thought then I realized it would.

1. Send birthday cards to family and friends - I'm starting with a fairly simple one. Sometimes I send cards and sometimes I don't and it bothers me when I don't! I hate not being consistent in my actions. I really don't have a lot to send; just my sisters, parents, 2 nieces, 2 nephews, and one BF.

2. Use all the free sample products I have sent away for in the last year - another easy resolution! I am addicted to free product samples. I have a large supply of things I have gotten in the mail but then haven't used any of them. It's kind of like I'm saving them up for a rainy day but then when it rains I forget to get them all out. Well - no more! I'm going to start using up all my free little samples :)

3. Clean, Clean and Clean - I love to clean but lately I feel like I'm cleaning the same things over and over again. I need to deep clean as in windows, under the beds, and in all the nooks and crannies and corners and ceilings.

4. Finish my quilt - I started a quilt when I was in high school (I think) and I've had it on my 'to do' list for months. I want to have it finished by this time next year.

5. Try new recipes - sometimes I tend to cook the same meals but I'd like to try new dishes and step outside my comfort zone a little.

6. Keep up with this blog - I've started and I don't want it to be some thing I leave unfinished. Too many times in life I've started something but never finished or maintained it.

7. Give life to the intimacy department with David (this is a big one) - but it deserves effort, attention, time, and thought.

8. Make a budget - and live by and stick to it! It's time, way past time to do this once and for all.

9. Save money - I know this kind of goes along with #8 but at times I can spend frivolously and when I do I feel guilty about it. I want NO guilt anywhere in my life anymore

10. Eat less and eat healthier - I know everyone always lists this as a resolution but I seriously mean it. Again - it's way past time for this. David and the kids and I all need to adapt this as a lifestyle change. We all need to be healthier, lose weight, learn portion control, yada yada yada.

11. Be more active - individually and as a family. We just have to. Watching tv is great but we have to get moving!

12. Be more positive - I've learned that for me, being positive doesn't come naturally. It's not my first reaction to a problem or challenge. I've gotten a lot better about it but it takes thought and effort. My kids learn by example and I want to be a good example to them.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with the resolutions and welcome to the blogosphere!


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