Friday, January 30, 2009

Back to Work

The 2 snow days were nice but it's back to work time now. Tonight I'm working a boys basketball game until 8:30pm. I haven't been out past 6pm on a Friday night in a very long time so it's a big day for me!

No big plans on Saturday, probably just the usual stuff. And Sunday of course is the Super Bowl. I will be making lots of yummy snacks, rooting for the Cardinals and most likely being disappointed with the commercials as I am every year.

I have a few left-over 'to do' items on my list that keep reappearing from list to list, such as wash the dogs, clip and file coupons, and clean the kitchen trash can. I really hope to get this crossed off the list this weekend. I'm tired of having to carry them over week to week!

Other than that, David and I have an episode of Fringe and Hell's Kitchen on tape to watch and I have several book to return to the library.

I can't hardly believe it's almost February! Still no idea what to do for Valentine's Day.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

More Snow Days

Had one today and have one tomorrow! The kids are SO excited. Like I said before, I wish everyone could work for a school district!

The hubby is off work tomorrow to so we'll get a whole day together. I'm very happy :) We are going to sleep in, have coffee and be silly lazy.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Lazy Weekend

What a semi lazy weekend. Saturday was productive in the errand and bill paying department but not in the cleaning area! The kids and I had lunch together at Long John Silvers and that was really nice to just hangout with them. Sunday Robert and I did our usual 6am laundry outing. We had the place to ourselves for most of time. That is always a treat. We ran to Wal-Mart during the drying cycle and that was pretty vacant of customers too. From about 10:30am and on I did nothing for the day. I forced myself to relax but it didn't really work. I'm in a catch 22. If I would have spent the rest of Sunday cleaning then today I would have felt like I had no relaxation time during the weekend. And while I was 'relaxing' yesterday - I couldn't relax because the cleaning hadn't been done!!!!!!!!

I need to work on finding a happy medium.

The weather man is predicting 5-6 inches of snow tomorrow so we might have a snow day! Luckily though my boss might have me work anyway - which means extra pay on the paycheck!!

For fans of The Closer on TNT - the new season starts tonight!

Friday, January 23, 2009


Noteworthy Mentionables

  1. Fridays are always jeans day at my school
  2. A 60 degree day in January and my husband grilled BBQ pork steaks for dinner last night
  3. I accidentally collided really hard with a curb this morning with my minivan and my front tire did not pop
  4. It is pay day
  5. I only had 3 leg cramps last night instead of 15 like I sometimes have per night
  6. And last but not least - today it has been 70 days since I have smoked a cigarette!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Heart Day

February 14th is right around the corner and I'm trying to think of something special to do for David. I don't want to do the usual steak dinner. I mean - I'll eat a steak dinner because I love steak but I want to give him or do something really special and unique to acknowledge and celebrate our unconditional love and respect we have for each other.

Think, think think! (as Poo Bear would say!)

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

My New Life Motto


Until now I have done this, a lot, and several people I know do this and all it makes is miserableness!

In other words my new motto is - Generously give time, energy and emotion to the things and people in your life that you have control over.

I believe Steven Covey calls this our Circle of Influence.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

The Alton Telegraph - my latest article

My favorite thingsComments 0 Recommend 0
January 16, 2009 - 9:47 PM
I love this song from "The Sound of Music." Who doesn't like whiskers on kittens and warm woolen mittens?
I love reading about things other people like. I often read a certain book on the advice of others, or try a restaurant I've never been to before, watch a certain movie, buy a particular brand of an item - the list could go on. Since this is my last column of the rotation I thought I would list several of my favorite things, in no particular order:
- "The Office" on NBC, it's just plain funny
- El Mezcal in Bethalto, great service and great food each and EVERY time
- Marley & Me the book, I read it a few years ago and it still touches my heart
- Free samples from
- Cherry ice-slushies from Burger King
- Blogging,
- Different slide shows on
- Sudoku and Tetris
- Oral-B Pulsar toothbrushes, I thought they were the lazy man's way of brushing but not anymore. I don't think I'll ever go back to a regular toothbrush again, it really is that much better
- E-mailing friends daily fun facts found on the Internet
- "Highlights" children's magazine, I don't care that I'm almost 35. I love reading the stories
- Canned chocolate pudding, it's better than homemade
Now if we want to get into more of a personal nature of my favorite things I'd have to say these are my top picks that I recommend:
- Midnight walks on the beaches of Cancun hand in hand with your spouse
- Flavored hot tea
- Cuddling with pets in bed
- Big fluffy pillows
- Talking one-on-one with my children
- Eating breakfast, it's the most important meal of the day
- Scented candles and lotion
- Milk, any kind and any time
- Getting magazines in the mail
- Taking pictures in black and white
- Using coupons
- Trying new recipes
- Saying I love you to the people you love
Thanks for reading. I hope all of you think about your favorite things and remember to indulge in them, enjoy them and most of all share them!


Tomorrow will be my 5th day off since we had 2 snow days, a weekend and a holiday. As much as I like not working, I'm ready to go back to work. I've been staying up too late and sleeping in too long. On a positive note we did get bills paid, newspaper article wrote, laundry done and I worked tickets for two varsity/JV girls basketball games. Tomorrow I'm going to soak up all the relaxation I can and do a little bit of cleaning.

The Cardinals are in the Superbowl! I was rooting for them when David told me they've never been to a Superbowl before.

I accidentally got sucked into watching Brett Michael's tour bus of love reality show. I didn't want to keep watching but I did. I am not proud of myself.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

I love snow days!

School has been cancelled due to cold temperatures! My husband is off work today and the kids and I are home! Could another day be any more perfect? We are going to do nothing but relax and spend time together today.

I wish everyone could work in a school district!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Day One

I'm going to bed semi-hungry from day one of our 7 day diet. I'm just thankful I'm not starving! I've eaten about 1,000 calories today which I think is really good. I'm logging everything on On the down side - I just took my sugar level and it was 359. I know miracles don't happen overnight but I was still a little shocked regardless.

I hope David's insurance stuff gets here soon so I can get some insulin.

Robert gets his bottom braces on tomorrow and neither of us are looking forward to the moderate pain he'll be in for a few days.

Ok, I'm running to bed now before my semi-hunger turns to starving!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Getting Started

Tomorrow I'm starting a slim fast diet. Actually we all are. I bought a blender, shake mix, veggies, and lots of fruit. We are aiming for a full 7 days! I've very excited about it. Not only will I (hopefully) lose some weight, it will help my sugar levels. With our insurance switching over and being sort of stuck in between - I am out of insulin.

Aside from the impending diet, I am starting a few other resolutions too. I created a budget yesterday, in a few days I'm mailing my first birthday card of the year, and the hubby and I spent some lovey time together.

The weekend was good and I got almost everything done on my to do list. The boys were busy with friends, I saved over $8 with coupons at Wal-Mart and my puppy and I got lots of cuddling time in. Unfortunately the Chargers are losing in the 4th quarter, the Blues play this evening which my BFF will be watching, and there is a new Cold Case on at 9pm! Oh yeah, and the Golden Globes are on tonight too. I may or may not watch it, we'll see!

I'm trying to think of something yummy for dinner since our diet starts in about 12 hours!

I'm looking forward to a wonderful and healthier week.

Monday, January 5, 2009

7 Things about marriage

I read this online somewhere recently. It was titled: 7 Things No One Tells You About Marriage

1. You will look at the person lying next to you and wonder, Is this it? Forever?

I agree that at some point for anyone whose married for any length of time will eventually say this. But I don't think it should be taken as an insult but as a motivator to be better!

2. You'll work harder than you ever imagined!

Again, I agree! The only other thing you'll work as hard at is parenting. But marriage and parenting are the two greatest things EVER so all that hard work is worth it!

3. You will sometimes go to bed mad (and maybe even wake up madder).

I don't always believe in - don't go to bed mad. I've learned in the many years I've been married so far that sometimes 'sleeping on it' isn't always a bad idea. There is the risk of waking up madder but for me specifically, I usually wake up feeling better and more forgiving (asking and receiving)! Something about a new day helps put things in perspective.

4. Getting your way is usually not as important as finding a way to work together.

I love this one because it means you did something together. A problem arose, you talked it out, and a resolution was found by both giving and taking. When it's over I always feel closer to my husband, it makes me feel like we're a team.

5. A great marriage doesn't mean no conflict; it simply means a couple keeps trying to get it right.

This is right on because you can't have a great marriage if there's no conflict or fighting or bad times because this is how you learn how to grow and if there's no growth in your marriage then it isn't a good marriage!!

6. You'll realize that you can only change yourself

Sometimes you think that if you could just change the other person then everything would be perfect. But that is not true. Change starts with yourself and then maybe it will rub off on the other person but even if it doesn't - you can only change yourself. That's hard enough, I don't need the headache of trying to change someone else!

7. As you face your fears and insecurities, you will find out what you're really made of.

Painful but true. David and I are living proof. We found out what we are both made of, and thank goodness we did! We are much stronger and more resilient then we ever thought humanly possible.

Friday, January 2, 2009

New Year's Resolutions

I wanted to post these on 1/01/09 but coming up with them took more time and thought then I realized it would.

1. Send birthday cards to family and friends - I'm starting with a fairly simple one. Sometimes I send cards and sometimes I don't and it bothers me when I don't! I hate not being consistent in my actions. I really don't have a lot to send; just my sisters, parents, 2 nieces, 2 nephews, and one BF.

2. Use all the free sample products I have sent away for in the last year - another easy resolution! I am addicted to free product samples. I have a large supply of things I have gotten in the mail but then haven't used any of them. It's kind of like I'm saving them up for a rainy day but then when it rains I forget to get them all out. Well - no more! I'm going to start using up all my free little samples :)

3. Clean, Clean and Clean - I love to clean but lately I feel like I'm cleaning the same things over and over again. I need to deep clean as in windows, under the beds, and in all the nooks and crannies and corners and ceilings.

4. Finish my quilt - I started a quilt when I was in high school (I think) and I've had it on my 'to do' list for months. I want to have it finished by this time next year.

5. Try new recipes - sometimes I tend to cook the same meals but I'd like to try new dishes and step outside my comfort zone a little.

6. Keep up with this blog - I've started and I don't want it to be some thing I leave unfinished. Too many times in life I've started something but never finished or maintained it.

7. Give life to the intimacy department with David (this is a big one) - but it deserves effort, attention, time, and thought.

8. Make a budget - and live by and stick to it! It's time, way past time to do this once and for all.

9. Save money - I know this kind of goes along with #8 but at times I can spend frivolously and when I do I feel guilty about it. I want NO guilt anywhere in my life anymore

10. Eat less and eat healthier - I know everyone always lists this as a resolution but I seriously mean it. Again - it's way past time for this. David and the kids and I all need to adapt this as a lifestyle change. We all need to be healthier, lose weight, learn portion control, yada yada yada.

11. Be more active - individually and as a family. We just have to. Watching tv is great but we have to get moving!

12. Be more positive - I've learned that for me, being positive doesn't come naturally. It's not my first reaction to a problem or challenge. I've gotten a lot better about it but it takes thought and effort. My kids learn by example and I want to be a good example to them.
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