Thursday, December 31, 2009

Here are my answers

1. What makes you feel good? Listening to my favorite songs, doing what I say I'm going to do, being proactive, helping others and spending time with my family

2. What activities do you find fun, satisfying or energizing? Yoga, reading, cooking, cleaning, walking, watching tv, writing, gardening and playing games

3. What makes you feel bad? Losing my temper with David and the kids, over spending, over eating, clutter, not living to the fullest potential that I know I'm capable of and when I lose track of my priorities

4. What are sources of anger, irritation, boredom, frustration or anxiety in your life? Sources of anger and irritation - when I don't get enough help around the house and I don't speak up and ask for it. Anxiety - when I procrastinate with important things. Boredom - when I'm alone and don't know how to spend my time

5. Is there any way in which you don't feel right about your life? (I can't really say that here but David knows what I'm taking about. It's a bad habit of mine!!)

6. Do you wish you could change your job, city, family situation or other circumstances? I am happy with my job but I need to make more money for my family life as in finding bigger living arrangements and saving for the boys college. I like the town we live in and can't think of anywhere else I'd like to live for now. And as for family situations - I don't think I have any that I need to fix or seriously work on. I'd like to spend more time with my sisters and parents. And ideally I'd like to spend more time with my extended family like aunts, uncles, grandparents, etc. I guess if I had a situation or circumstance to work on it would be my communication skills (and not just with David and the kids) but how I relate and communicate to my sisters and parents.

7. Are you living up to your expectations for yourself? I would say it's about 50/50. I am thrilled at where David and I are in our relationship and how much we both have grown over the almost 17 years we have been married. I think I'm a pretty good mom to the boys. I think where I need to do more is in my personal life like what do I give back to society. I need to explore my spiritual beliefs. I feel like I'm finally living by the right code in my marriage but what about living by the right code for life in general? I expect myself and my life to live by certain rules but I've never defined those rules to myself. I don't feel like I have a master plan, only like I have a general one. I expect myself to strive towards family goals, personal goals, spiritual goals, educational goals, and moral goals but I've never defined what I think all those goals are. I feel like I have finally learned to steer and drive my own life but I don't have a road map of where I really want to go. I know where I want to end up but I'd like to define in my own head the steps I should take to get there.

8. Does your life reflect your values? I think for the most part it does. I think I need to define what I consider my values and then go from there in order to answer this question more thoroughly. I value family but do all my actions always reflect that? I don't know. I value my marriage but do I do everything I need to do to show that every day? Probably not all the time. I value my kid's individuality but do I always acknowledge that and nurture it? I'm sure I don't do that enough. So again, I think my life reflects my values but I could certainly do more to feel solid about that!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Resolution Questions to ask yourself

As found in Woman's Day magazine from Gretchen Rubin.

1. What makes you feel good?

2. What activities do find fun, satisfying or energizing?

3. What makes you feel bad?

4. What are sources of anger, irritation, boredom, frustration or anxiety in your life?

5. Is there any way in which you don't feel right about your life?

6. Do you wish you could change your job, city, family situation or other circumstances?

7. Are you living up to your expectations for yourself?

8. Does your life reflect your values?

Really though evoking questions aren't they?

I am going to begin writing my new years resolutions this week. I am very exciting about they journey I'm going to take this year :)

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Post Christmas

I am so happy to report that Christmas was great! David had 3 days off and that in itself was a gift!

We spent Wednesday running around town in the pouring rain getting last minute gifts for my mom, my dad, and his girlfriend. When we were finally done we had a nice breakfast at IHOP. We talked and caught up and it was wonderful just being together! Later that night we watched A Christmas Carol and The Nativity.

Thursday I made everyone omelets for a late breakfast, we wrapped presents and then got ready to head to my sister's house for Christmas Eve dinner. The food was great! We decided to have a real meal instead of just appetizers and snacks. I brought twice baked potatoes and they were very yummy despite that I was rushed and in a hurry when I made them :P The evening was very nice except for the fact that one sister (and her husband and daughter) were missing due to the swine flu! :( What a bummer it was not having them there! The kids and the dads played Wii bowling and boxing. It was so touching watching them all have fun doing that! The men worked up a sweat :) After we got home we exchanged a few presents and then went to bed.

Christmas day we spent at home, just the four of us. The kids were very happy with all their presents, which was our main goal. Our boys are the best ever and we wanted to show our appreciation to them. We snacked on a few things and for dinner I roasted a chicken and we watched a movie. The whole day was everything I hopped it would be. It was warm and fuzzy and perfect and fantastic and I wouldn't change a thing about any of it!

Saturday David had to head back to work and the kids and I hit the mall in the late afternoon to see what kind of after Christmas deals we could find and actually, we didn't find much. Robert spent some Christmas money he got on a new coat but that was about it! It's crazy but even when some things are 50% off it's still not always worth it.

Today we were supposed to have a Christmas brunch with my dad in St. Louis but I was a no show because a mild snow storm moved in and at 9am the roads had still not been cleared. My mini van is our only real vehicle and I just could not risk something happening to it or to us! But of course, by 1pm all the roads were fine. Grrrr.

We don't have much planned for this week while the kids and I are all off work and school. Oh well, except now we do damage control for our checkbook for the next few weeks :P Ha, Ha. It was all worth it though.

We are also trying to stay healthy but it seems like we're always feeling like were on the verge of getting sick. We haven't gotten sick but we feel like we could very easily! It's so frustrating. If we're going to get sick I'd rather just do it now and get it over with then to feel border line sick for a week!

Right now it is after midnight now so I have to sleep. I'll start rambling soon if I don't!

I can't believe New Years Eve is this week ...

Monday, December 21, 2009

Winning Ticket Number

David held the winning ticket to a brand new Visio 32 inch flat screen tv at his work Christmas party Saturday night. How unbelievable is that? We were all so VERY excited. It retails for $500.


The kids and I did more Christmas shopping this weekend and I think for the most part I'm done. There are some little things here and there that I need to pick up but I'm happy to say I see the finish line ahead.

I have two days of work this week then we are on Christmas break and wont return until Jan. 4th.

Dawn and I went to a holiday craft show on Saturday and then went out for lunch. It was a lot of fun! I also ran into another friend that I had not seen in a long time. It was good to see her and I'm going to pick up a Christmas card later today to mail her.

I have to 'put my face on' real quickly before anyone gets here (at work).

I'll write more later!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Back from Shopping

You know, I started out with the best of spirits and mood but now that I'm finally home, 4.5 hours later and ... let me add the totals ... almost $200 poorer I'm not sure I'm still feeling the Christmas joy in my heart.

I know in my head that Christmas isn't about presents and gifts but geez, sometimes I feel that way. I just want to get everyone a lil something (because, seriously - I really do like to give) but everything adds up soooo quickly :( And I know it's wrong but now I'm going to see what is left in the checking account and now write out our bill payments.

That is so backwards, I know. My stomach hurts now.


Tonight David is going to a work Christmas party but I've opted out of going with him. I think I'll wrap some presents tonight, maybe head to the laundry mat, and just relax some, unwind, and try to refocus!

I'm also hoping to play more of an email hangman game my BFF and I are playing from yesterday afternoon :)

Sunday, December 13, 2009

It feels like cheating

Today I'm going shopping with my dad's girlfriend. She is more like my dad's wife and has been in his life for YEARS - even though him and my mom just divorced this past year.

It's complicated.

Part of me is super excited and looking forward to it but the other part of me feels like I'm cheating on my mom or something. It's hard to explain how I feel because it doesn't even make sense to me.

The majority of me feel like I shouldn't have anything to feel bad about.

But then there's the part of me that thinks "How would I feel if my mom was dating some guy and I found out that his daughter and her were going shopping and out for lunch together"?

I'm inclined to say I might have feelings about this.

So how could I expect my mom to be ok with me going out with my dad's girlfriend?

It all sounds dumb, I know - especially when I see it written down!

I don't like feeling like I'm doing something wrong. It bothers me a lot and it brings back bad memories.

1-21 Ready, Set, Go!

This questionaire was on another blog I read (Amy - hope you don't mind I'm using it here!)

Christmas Meme

1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? Wrapping paper because I love the different designs

2. Tree–Real or Artificial? Artificial but if I had a bigger place we'd get a real one every year

3. When do you put the Christmas tree up? Whenever I can't take Robert's pestering about it any more!

4. When do you take the tree down? Within a few days after Christmas

5. Like egg nog? Never tried it but David and my sister Angela love it

6. Do you have a nativity scene? My mom did and I love it but I do not have one

7 . Hardest person to buy for? David!! Always DAVID!!

8. Tinsel or Garland on the tree? Garland, the silver/white ones

9. Worst Christmas gift - clothes that don't fit

10. Mail or email a Christmas Card? mail

11. Favorite Christmas movie? National Lampoons Christmas Vacation, we love it!!

12. When do you start shopping for Christmas? December

13. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? Once years ago but I do not make a habit of it

14. Favorite food to eat on Christmas? butterscotch haystacks

15. Colored or clear lights? clear

16. Favorite Christmas Song? What Child is This

17. Travel during Christmas or stay home? Stay home, there's no better place than at home with my fav three!!

18. Can you name Santa’s reindeer’s? Of course.

19. Star or Angel on tree top? Star

20. Open presents on Christmas Eve or morning? Christmas morning. Once when I was younger we opened them all on Christmas Eve and on Christmas morning - it just didn't feel right

2 1 . Most annoying thing about this time of year? Crowds and how commercial the time can feel

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

No present

I am trying to think of something kick-@ss to get my HUSBAND for Christmas. Every time I think of something that would be perfect it turns out to not be perfect. Like I thought about getting a **************. And I just looked up stuff for an ************** but decided against it.

For once I'd like to get him something that when he opens it he is just shocked and excited and thinks it's awesome! But I'm clueless as to what this might be.

I guess I could always get him a new puppy like he got me once!!! :) Ha, Ha!! Wink wink!! My sister told me about a puppy she heard about that needed a home!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Cookie Day with the family

Sunday was cookie day at my sister's house. What an awesome and fun time. I was incharge of the games like usual.
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